Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Post

As some of you may (or may not) know, we have been trying to add baby #3 to our family for awhile. It's been a tough road in which we have endured 3 more miscarriages. With each loss I felt different emotions, sometimes I was at peace and ready to try again, other times I was furious with God for "taking away" yet another child, and other times just purely sad. I am no longer any of those things. I have peace (although we are not "trying" again) and believe maybe those miscarriages were just leading us to this point, to the child He already had in mind for us. Had we had a successful pregnancy we would not be on this journey right now and who knows what that would have meant..would our child be adopted by someone else? Would he or she be suffering? Hungry? Lonely? What if if he or she never got adopted and ended up on the streets at 16 (when most orphans are too old for the orphanages and are  left to fend for themselves.) Those children often turn to drugs and prostitution, and 1 in 10 will commit suicide. This is almost too much to think about. I am so thankful though, that everything that has happened to me, good AND bad, has led me to this point, this place in my life.

I will be honest, when I first felt adoption weighing on my heart and started to look into it I considered it my "Plan B". I had never really wanted to adopt, I NEVER thought I would be able to love another child as if they were my own. I didn't see a reason to adopt when I could have my own. Well, lets just say God sure opened my eyes and completely changed my heart. Adoption is now Plan A for me, I wouldn't want to get pregnant right now even if I knew I would not lose the baby. I already have a child waiting for me, MY child, that God chose for me when s/he was just an infant in the womb. Not my womb, but I don't care a single bit. My baby is waiting for me. Waiting for a mommy, and a daddy. Waiting to be loved.

If you're wondering what you can do to help: PRAY. That is the #1 thing we need right now. Once our application is approved we will start doing fundraisers so right now please just pray that everything goes smoothly and that we receive favor through every step of this process. Please also pray for all the children in orphanages that are lonely, hungry, sick, and who have never known what it's like to have a family or to be loved. Pray for their comfort and most of all pray that they will find their forever homes soon!

 I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. -John 14:18

 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27

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